Here’s just a few of the great new features to look out for in Watch on Nature:
Level up your Watch on Nature experience by joining more missions and you’ll have the power to keep an even bigger eye on deforestation activities across Australia
The platform will show you at a glance the impact you’re having by summarising statistics on the polygons you have submitted for any clearing you find indicating your contribution to the mission
You know what they say, it’s hard to see the forest through trees, well in our case it’s clouds. This feature will allow you to skip over dates that are marked as cloudy to a date for excellent cloud free viewing
Australia is big, we know, so to help you start looking in the right direction, click on a task in the list which will zoom you to a date and spot on the map to start your monitoring right away
Seeing a lot of clouds in one area? This new feature allows you to select multiple grid cells and mark them all at once as cloudy. Job done!
You can learn where these new features are and how to use them in these Quick Guide Videos !